Interview with Andrey Shpilenko, General Director of Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area International practices show that organizations that unite innovation infrastructure are powerful drivers for development and support of country innovation processes. So, organizations support its members facilitating rapid growth and development as well as image and recognition. Thereby, all mentioned activities stimulate rapid development of high competitive country economy. In 2011, Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area was created in Russia. Currently there are 26 technological parks comprising the Association. What support does Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area provide its members with? Based on the successful experience of foreign colleagues we aim to cover all the instruments and medias for technological parks support. We coordinate the members in economic relationships, contribute to technological parks corporative management systems, support in finding solutions to social, scientific and managerial problems. Moreover, we represent legitimate interest of the members and protect their rights in relations with public authorities and local governments. Does Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area implement activities not relative to its members? Certainly. I’ll provide a few examples. So, we have developed a document and have submitted it to Ministry of economic development of Russian Federation. This document defines objectives and technological parks activities subject. An acceptance of the document will allow establishing an effective technological parks functioning in Russian Federation. Moreover, we hold educational events for technological parks and business incubators employees to increase their professional competences and skills. We have developed an offer to compensate costs for technological parks creation that has been submitted to the Government of Russian Federation. Also we cooperate with executive authorities to develop criteria technological parks should meet with. In addition we contribute to technological parks strategy development and develop offers to increase technological parks efficiency. How does Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area cooperate with foreign partners? Since 2012, Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area is a member of IASP. This interaction maintains fruitful experience sharing and hence stimulates an active growth of innovation processes around the world. To make the foreign colleagues acquainted with Russian innovation ecosystem and to share the experience Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area invites annually IASP members to various events in different cities of Russia. In addition, year in, year out, Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area organizes off-site events for its members to get to know about foreign technological parks. Recently we have been to Finnish technological parks. A business trip to China is scheduled in the near future. Also the Association is able to receive technological orders through its partners in transnational companies. Currently agreements on receiving orders from transnational companies and on provision of technological solutions to satisfy foreign companies needs from the technological parks are signed. Foreign delegations visit Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area НП «Ассоциация технопарков в сфере высоких технологий» periodically. This year approx. 30 representatives of Chinese industrial parks visited us and shared international experience. Along with this our foreign colleagues told us about advantages of China platforms that are focused on creation and support of innovation business as well as of zones of advanced development. What is the main distinction of Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area compared with other structures that support innovations in Russia? Indeed, there are a lot of structures that support an idea of innovation development in Russia. But currently we are the only one who unites technological parks and business incubators and also other objects of innovation infrastructure and organizations that contribute to innovation projects commercialization. In addition, at the end of 2013 Association of Technological Parks in High-tech Area began to accredit technological parks in Russia on voluntary basic. In accordance with international practice voluntary accreditation is one of the most important instruments of high level activity of industry organization during decades. Accreditation is aimed at technological parks audit to determine the presence of specialized infrastructure and number of programs for support and commercialization of innovation projects. A certificate of the accreditation is like a lighthouse for young entrepreneurs who are choosing a platform for further placement. The accreditation is a guarantee that a technological park has launched all the necessary mechanisms for efficient functioning and successful business development. It means that there’s a certain infrastructure complex for attendance to small and medium enterprises, and also all the programs for entrepreneurship support and cost reduction are functioning.