Annual award ceremony for the winners of the Prize of the Government of Saint Petersburg for outstanding scientific achievements in science and engineering took place in Smolny Palace on May 25th, 2012. Viktor Elistratov, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor of Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, became a winner of the Prize of A.N.Krylov (category: “engineering sciences”) for the development of theoretical and technological bases for conversion, use, and storage of renewable energy of a random-deterministic nature of formation when constructing power facilities for network and distributed generation. Viktor Elistratov, Honoured power engineer of the Russian Federation, is now the Head of Science and Education Centre “Renewable Energy Sources” of SPbSTU and part of the “RPA Hydroenergospecstroy” team. The Prize of the Government of Saint Petersburg for outstanding scientific achievements in science and engineering is awarded annually in 12 categories on the eve of the Town Day (27th May). Source: